平成23年10月14日 |
浄土真宗本願寺派本願寺御影堂を前にして岐阜教区華陽組3号車 |
浄土真宗本願寺派本願寺御影堂を前にして岐阜教区華陽組4号車 |
We had a celebration to commemorate Shinran Shonin's 750th memorial service and temple restoration service. This was our joy to celebrate such a wonderful service. It took a lot of monetary contribution, time and efforts to restore our temple. I am so grateful to have accomplished this project by the efforts of temple members' outstanding helping hand. Respectfully, Reverend Michihiro Honda Tanaka on April 29th 2013 |
平成25年4月29日 合掌 浄慶寺住職 釋道弘 |
ご挨拶 昨年(2012年平成24) 年、宗祖親鸞聖人の750回大遠忌法要が、私たちのご本山である本願寺にて、盛大に勤修され、これからの寺門発展の方向性を示される大きな機縁となりました。当山浄慶寺からもたくさんの御門徒と御一緒に参拝させていただき、このご法要で、親鸞聖人のご苦労をしのび、お徳を讃えることが出来ましたことは、無上の喜びです。 当山浄慶寺に於きましても親鸞聖人750回大遠忌記念事業として進められてきました山門再建・庫裏の新築・本堂耐震工事も無事完遂いたしました。社会・経済状態の混迷とする情勢にありながら、ご門信徒各位様の篤厚なる御懇志、多大なる御協力のもと無事終えることができました。また法要実行委員会、地区役員様の皆様にも大変お世話になりました。 わたくしたち住職家族が、アメリカよりこの浄慶寺に当時の総代さんや婦人会の皆様のお蔭で迎えられて、まる19年になりました。御門徒の皆様には、陰日向になり支えられて、本当にこの由緒ある浄慶寺に入寺できたこと、阿弥陀如来さまを始め七高僧さま ・有縁無縁の限りない御育てのお蔭であると感謝しております。どうぞ、これからも今までどおり、ご指導ご鞭撻下さいますようお願い申し上げます。 合掌 浄慶寺住職 田中道弘 |
I wanted to translate every Japanese comments in English. Sorry timewise I
didn't have enough to do so. Please forgive me for those my FB friends who
came to visit my web site because of no English translation. But I wish I
could have conveyed our great joy to accomplish temple restoration and
conduct Shinran Shonin's 750th memorial service on this wonderful day.
On the way to this completion I became ill and had hospitalized for six weeks due to too much stress and heavy responsibilities. Now I am much better than before. Thank you very much for my family, temple board members, temple congregations, and friends to support me during my hardest time in my life. Reflecting upon 19 years ago, I was welcomed to be as a resident minister of Jokeiji temple by kind temple cabinet members and Buddhist Women's Association cabinet members when we returned from the Buddhist Churches of America. My children were just kindergarteners and started their new life in Gifu. Everything was new to us. We were anxious about temple duties and worried new life in Gifu. However; since that time, we have been helped a lot by friends and members. We would like to express our deepest and sincere gratitude for their help, both in our public and our private life. Today we could have achieved and held this unforgettable and memorable commemoration service. I would like to pay much respect to those who contributed our project and those who helped generously and strived to the utmost efforts with me. Of course, I am also so thankful to Amida Buddha for the infinite wisdom and immeasurable compassion. "My eyes being hindered by blind passion, I can not perceive the light that grasps me; Yet the great compassion, without tiring, Illumines me always." Again thank you very much!!! In Gassho, Rev. Michihiro Honda Tanaka |