御絵伝 Goeden



  『本願寺聖人伝絵』(ほんがんじしょうにんでんね)は、浄土真宗の宗祖とされる親鸞の生涯をつづった絵詞です。親鸞の曾孫である本願寺第3世の覚如によって作られました。特に文章の部分は『御伝鈔』(ごでんしょう)、絵の部分を「御絵伝」(ごえでん)といいます。「報恩講」では「御絵伝」が余間に奉掛され、『御伝鈔』が拝読されます。この親鸞聖人の御生涯を描いた御絵伝を通じて親鸞聖人 の御生涯を身近に感じて頂きたいと存じます。
“Hongwanji Shonin Denne” is a Buddhist scroll illustrating the life of Shinran, the founder of the Jodo Shinshu. It is also biography of Shinran Shonin written by his great grandson, Kakunyo Shonin, the third Abbot of the Hongwanji.

”Hongwanji Shonin Denne” was made first and consists of two parts: “writings” and “paintings.” Later this “Denne” was divided into “Godensho” (writings) and “Goeden” (paintings). The “Godensho” consists of a narrative in 15 chapters describing the main events in Shinran’s life. The “Goeden” is the accompanying 4 scrolls illustrations grouped into twenty sections.

During annual Hoonko services held for seven days before Shinran's Memorial Day in January, priests of all temples recite the "Godensho" and the “Goeden” scrolls are exhibited for general view in the inner sanctuary of the temple, the Yoma, a side room of the altar.

My hope is that, after reading and viewing this illustrated biography, you will better understand the life of Shinran Shonin and his times.

More details on “The Goeden” can be found in a search on  An Illustrated Biography of Shinran, Hongwanji Shonin. Dr. Hisao Inagaki explains more about the legendary life story of Shinran Shonin and the Japanese characters that appear in each scroll.





The pictorial scrolls illustratingThe life of Shinran Shonin were given to Jokeiji on September 18th, 1820 during the tenure of the resident priest, Shaku Jyudo.  



*dates and years are according to the lunar calendar.



Scroll 4

Scroll 3

Scroll 2

Scroll 1



*How to look at Goeden pictures: look at the order of the pictures in order from the bottom to the upper level.

First Scroll



#1「出家学道(しゅっけがくどう) 養和元年(1181)春三月、桜の花も咲きほころぶ京都東山の青蓮院についた御所車には、範綱卿にともなわれた松若丸が乗っておられた。時の住職は慈鎮和尚である


#1 Ordination and Study: In the spring, March, of the 1st year of Youwa (1181), when cherry blossoms were in full bloom, Matsuwakamaru, accompanied by his uncle Hino Noritsuna, arrived by ox-drawn carriage at the Shoren-in temple of Kyoto in Higashiyama. The head priest of Shoren-in at that time was Jichin.





#2「出家学道(しゅっけがくどう)」慈鎮和尚から「得度の儀は、公儀としては満十五歳に達しないと許可できない」との説明を受けられた。その時九歳の松若丸は「明日ありと思う心のあだ桜 夜半に嵐のふかぬものかは」と詠まれ、決意をお示しになった。その日の夜半、得度の式を執り行い、法名を範宴となづけられた。   #2 Ordination and Study: Buddhist Master Jichin said “By law, I cannot approve Matsuwakamaru’s ordination until he has reached the age of 15.” At that time, the 9 year-old boy had composed a Waka (Japanese poem) that read, “Blossoms thought to last till the next day may well be blown away during the night."  Matsuwakamaru showed great steadfastness in his desire to be ordained, so that night ordination took place and he received the Buddhist name, “Hannen.”



#3「吉水入室(よしみずにゅうしつ)」建仁元年(1206)三月十五日、聖人二十九歳のとき、比叡山で二十年にわたる自力修行にもついに解脱の道を見出せず、吉水の法然上人をお訪ねになった。法然上人六十九歳。法名も綽空とあらためられた。   #3 Shinran's visit to Honen at his hermitage in Yoshimizu: In the 1st year of Kennin (1201), after twenty harsh years of study, practice and meditation, Shinran began having serious questions about his inadequacy as a priest and his inability to achieve enlightenment, so decided to leave his monastery on Mt. Hiei. It was after that time that he encountered Master Honen, then 69 years old, and became his disciple. At that point, Shinran, at the age of 29 years, received a new priest name of “Hannen.”



#4「六角堂無想(ろっかくどうむそう)」建仁三年(1203)親鸞聖人三十一歳、四月五日寅時 夜中の三時頃、夢の告を受けられる。白い衣の救世菩薩が白蓮華に座った姿であらわれて妻帯の生活も仏道成就のさまたげにならぬと知らせになる 。   #4 Shinran's vision in a dream at Rokkakudo: In the 3rd year of Kennin (1203), on April 5th, at around 3:00 am, Shinran, now 31 years old, dreamt of a Bodhisattva wearing white clothes and sitting in a White lotus position. The Bodhisattva revealed to him that the life of marriage would not become a hindrance to future enlightenment.



#5「蓮位房夢想(れんいぼうむそう)」建長八年(1256)親鸞聖人88歳のとき。京都西洞院五条の庵室で、下間の蓮位房が、聖徳太子に礼拝される聖人の夢を感得する。それによって蓮位房は、心中深く親鸞聖人こそ阿弥陀如来の化現であると敬い、最後の病床まで看病された。   #5 Reni's vision in a dream: In the 8th year of Kencho (1256), Shinran was 88 years old. In the hermitage of Kyoto Nishinoto-in Gojo, Shimotsuma Ren-ibo dreamt a dream that Shinran Shonin was worshiped by Prince Shotoku. As a result, he deeply believed that Shinran Shonin was the embodiment of Amida Tathagata, so he tenderly nursed Shinran Shonin until Shinran’s passing.



Second Scroll






 #6「選択付属 (せんじゃくふぞく)」元久二年(1205)三月、聖人三十三歳のとき、師法然上人が著された『選択本願念仏集』の書写をゆるされた。また法然上人のご真影を画くことも許可されたことは、聖人にとって大きな感激であった。    #6 Permission of 'Selected Passages on the Nembutsu of the Primal Vow': In March of the 2nd year of Genkyu (1205), when Shinran was 33 years old, Master Honen's work, “Selected Passages on the Nembutsu of the Primal Vow” was allowed to be transcribed. Shinran also received permission to draw Master Honen's pictorial image, which deeply impressed him.



#7信行両座 (しんぎょうりょうざ)元久二年(1205)八月、吉水の禅房で信行両座の分判がおこなわれる。聖人が「今日は信不退・行不退の御座を両方に分かたるべきなり」と提案。三百余人のお弟子たちが迷う中で、聖人は信の座につかれたところ、法然上人も信の座に加われられた。   #7 Selection of Shinjin or Nembutsu Practice:  During August of the 2nd year of Genkyu (1205), two options were provided to disciples of Hone: Shinjin or Nembutsu Practice at the Zenbo of Yoshimizu. Shinran Shonin said, "Today, your seats are divided into two sides: one side is for those who are steadfast in Shinjin and the other for those who are steadfast in practice." While three hundred of the disciples had difficulty selecting which practice they should follow, both Shinran and Honen selected a seat of Shinjin practice.



#8「信心諍論 (しんじんじょうろん)」信行両座分判の翌年八月、吉水の禅房にて聖人が「法然上人の御信心と親鸞の信心とは同一である」と発言、反論する他の門弟と論議される。そこへ師の法然上人が現われて、明確に他力信心を説かれ、親鸞聖人の立場を支持された。   #8 Dispute over Shinjin:  In August the following year after the Selection of Shinjin or Nembutsu Practice, Shinran Shonin said at the Zenbou of Yoshimizu, "Shinran's Shinjin and Master Honen's Shinjin is entirely the same.” This issue was discussed with other disciples who offered a counterargument. When Master Honen appeared, he clearly explained the Shinjin of the Other Power, and supported the position of Shinran Shonin.



#9「入西鑑察 (にゅうさいかんざつ)」親鸞聖人七十歳のこと。聖人の御真影を写したいという入西房の志を察知された聖人が、その願いを聞き入れられて、絵師の定禅法橋に描かされたという図。   #9 Nyusai-bo's desire to paint a portrait of Shinran Shonin: When Shinran Shonin was about seventy years old, he became aware of the intention of Nyusai-bo to create a painting of him.  He later granted Nyusai-bo's request and allowed the painter, Jyozen Hokyo, to draw his image.



Third Scroll



#10「師資遷謫 (ししせんちゃく)」承元元年(1207)二月、奈良興福寺からの申し出によって、念仏停止となる。時に親鸞聖人三十五歳、法然上人ん七十五歳であった。図は五条内裏の門前で通行人を検問している検非違使らである。   #10 Persecution of the nembutsu teaching: In February of the 1st year of Jogen (1207), Kofukuji temple in Nara appealed to the court to expeditiously implement a Nembutsu teachings ban and persecution of its followers. Accordingly Nembutsu teachings were prohibited when Shinran Shonin was 35 years old and Honen Shonin was 75 years old. The scroll shows police and judicial chiefs inspecting passersby in front of the gate of Gojo Court.



#11「流罪宣下 (るざいせんげ)」京都の御所で公卿が集まり、法然上人以下十二人の罪科が詮議された。法然上人は土佐国へ親鸞聖人は越後国へ流罪。住蓮房・安楽房が死罪。親鸞聖人も死罪になっていたのが、中納言親経卿の嘆願によって流罪に決まったといわれる。   #11 Declaration of exile: Court nobles gathered at the Imperial Palace in Kyoto to investigate Honen Shonin and twelve others for criminal charges pertaining to their nembutsu practice. As a result, Honen Shonin was exiled to Tosa province and Shinran Shonin to Echigo province, while Juren-bo and Anraku-bo were sentenced to death. It was said that Shinran Shonin was also given a death penalty but was given banishment instead due to the plea of a state councilor Chikatsune.



#12「流罪宣下(るざいせんげ)」承元元年三月十六日、法然上人七十五歳の時、配所の土佐国へ向けてご出発の図。上人はご門弟たち対し「別れ行く路ははるかにへだつれど、やどりは同じ華のうてなぞ」と一首詠まれたと伝えられる。この承元の法難によって吉水の教団は解体されてしまった。   #12 Declaration of exile: On March 16th in the 1st year of Jogen (1207), This is a picture of departure for Tosa Province of his exile. He was now seventy-five years old. It is said that he composed a Waka poem at this time for his disciples: "The path parting is far away, but we will dwell in the same lotus flower." As a result of this religious persecution called Jogen no Honan, the Yoshimizu Nembutsu Sangha had been dismantled.



#13「流罪宣下(るざいせんげ)」親鸞聖人も師法然上人と同じ三月十六日、配所の越後国の国府に向けて、京都・岡崎の草庵をご出発された。罪名は藤井善信。じっさいには袈裟も衣も脱がされて、直垂すがたであったと思われる。   #13 Declaration of exile: Shinran Shonin departed from the hermitage of Okazaki in Kyoto to Kokufu of Echigo on the same day as Honen Shonin was exiled to Tosa, March 16th. Shinran Shonin was stripped of his monk status and given the criminal name of Fujii Yoshizane. It appears his Buddhist robe and stole were stripped off and he forced to wear clothes of the common people.



#14「稲田興法 (いなだこうぼう)」越後国に流されて五年建暦元年(1211)、聖人は法然上人とともに赦免をうけられた。しかし京都へはお帰りにならず、しばらく越後国に在国。四十二歳の時、越後から常陸国に向かわれ笠間郡稲田へと赴かれた。その後二十年間、聖人は関東の地で御教化される。   #14 Nembutsu teachings prosper in Inada: In the 1st year of Kennin (1211), five years after his exile to Echigo Province, Shinran Shonin was pardoned, as was Honen Shonin. However, he did not returned to Kyoto, but stayed in Echigo for a while. At the age of 42, he headed for Hitachi from Echigo and settled in Inada of Kasama County. For the next twenty years he preached the Nembutsu in the Kanto area.



#15「弁円済度 (べんねんさいど)」稲田の草庵時代、板敷山で聖人を待ち伏せし殺害しようとした山伏弁円は、ことごとく失敗。ついに草庵を襲った弁円は、聖人とご対面するや、弓刀を捨てて親鸞聖人の前にひれふした。真宗の教えに帰した弁円は明法房証信と名のる。その時の歌に「山も山路も昔にかわらねど かわりはてたるわが心かな」とある。   #15 Conversion of Bennen: During the Inada period, Shugendo worrier monk, Bennen, tried to ambush and kill Shinran Shonin at Mt. Itajiki, but failed every time. At last he struck the hermitage and encountered Shinran. As soon as he saw Shinran Shonin, he threw away the archer and sword and threw himself on the ground in front of Shinran Shonin. Bennen converted to the teachings of Jodo Shinshu and was given the name of Myohoubo Shoshin. A poem at that time said "Mountains and paths are nothing changed like old days but my mind is totally converted."





Fourth Scroll

#16「箱根霊告 (はこねれいこく)」文暦元年(1234)六十二歳になられた聖人は、住みなれた稲田の草庵をあとに、京都へ向かわれた。箱根にさしかかると箱根権現の神主が低調に一行をお迎えした。この神主は「尊敬すべき客人(聖人の一行)が通られるから丁寧にお迎えせよ」という御示現を受けていたようである。   #16 Revelation in a dream at Hakone:  In the 1st year of Bunreki (1234), Shinran Shonin, turned 62 years old, left the hermitage in Inada where he had lived for a long time and went to Kyoto. When he arrived at Hakone, the Shinto priest of the Hakone Gongen Shrine respectfully welcomed him. It appeared the priest had received a divine indication in a dream to “Welcome a respectful guest (Shinran Shonin and his entourage/party) with respect."



#17「熊野霊告 (くまのれいこく)」京都の庵室へ常陸国の平太郎が訪問。熊野権現へ主人の参詣のお供をさせられるが、念仏の教えを聞かされていただいている身が神詣りすることの是非をたずねる。聖人は念仏が無碍の一道であり、このことが腹にすわっていることの肝要を平太郎にじゅんじゅんとお話になったことであろう。
  #17 Revelation in a dream at Kumano: Heitaro from Hitachi Province visited Shinran's hermitage in Kyoto during a visit to the Kumano Shinto shrine. His master would accompany pilgrims to the Shrine and Heitaro must have accompanied him. Heitaro asked Shinran whether Nembutsu followers were allowed to visit the Shinto Shrine. Shinran Shonin probably explained that the nembutsu is the single path free of hindrances, that Heitaro should have understood this matter, and that there would not be any hindrance. With peace of mind, Heitaro visited the Kumano Goken. That night, the Shinto God appeared to Heitaro in a dream. Heitaro was asked, "Why do you pay a visit to me (Gongen God) and insult me with your unclean body?" Then Shinran Shonin also appeared in his dream and said "He (Heitaro) is a Nembutsu follower who is devoted and following my teaching.” As soon as Shinran said this, the Gongen God left with a polite attitude and Heitaro awoke from the dream.
#18 Shinran Shonin's death in Kyoto: On November 28th in the 2nd year of Kocho (1262), Shinran Shonin, who lived his whole life in the Buddhist way, passed away at noon at the age of ninety.



#18「洛陽遷化 (らくようせんげ)」弘長二年(1262)十一月二十八日(旧暦)、聖人はその生命を仏道につくして九十年の生涯をとじられた。時間は午の時、正午。
  #18 Shinran Shonin's death in Kyoto: On November 28th in the 2nd year of Kocho (1262), Shinran Shonin, who lived his whole life in the Buddhist way, passed away at noon at the age of ninety.



#19「洛陽遷化(らくようせんげ)」聖人の御遺骸は、京都東山の西の麓、鳥部野の南のほとり延仁寺で火葬された。御遺骸は大谷にこれを収めらえた。   #19 Shinran Shonin's death in Kyoto The remains of Shinran Shonin were cremated at the Enninji temple at the foot of Higashiyama, in the southern part of Toribeno area. The remains were buried in Ohtani.



#20 「廟堂創立(びょうどうそうりつ)」文永九年(1272)冬、大谷の墳墓をあらためて、それより西の吉水の北のほとりに仏閣を建て御影像を安置された。いわゆる大谷本廟である。これは、聖人が往生されて十一年目のことであった。   #20 Construction of Ohtani Mausoleum In winter of the 9th year of Bunei (1272), Shinran’s tomb was moved to the northern side of Yoshimizu in the west. The Ohtani Mausoleum was constructed and Shinran Shonin's statue was erected 11 years following Shinran’s birth in the Pure Land.
