根本聖典と本尊 Principle Scriptures & Object of Reverence

根本聖典   Principle scriptures




  Among many Buddhist scriptures, Shinran Shonin specifically selected "The Sutra of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life" (also referred to as "The Larger Sutra") as the true teaching. This sutra does not mention enlightenment for people who are searching for Buddhahood in the delusory and suffering world; rather their enlightenment will come from the Buddha, Himself. This, Shinran believed, was the true teaching. Where we might think that enlightenment comes from our own effort, Shinran came to understand that enlightenment was instead transferred by The Buddha Himself.  It is the Buddha who wishes our enlightenment.
また、『仏説無量寿経』の中で、釈尊自らが、この経典が永遠に真実の教えであることを宣言されています。この『仏説無量寿経』には、阿弥陀如来の本願が説かれています。四十八の願の中で、親鸞聖人は第十八願が「根本の願」であると示されました。その第十八願とは、次のとおりです。「すべての人が、如来(仏)のみ名を称えて浄土に生まれることがないならば、わたしはけっして仏にならない 」というのです。


  Shakyamuni Buddha himself proclaimed that this sutra teaches us the eternal truth, and Shinran Shonin believed that, of Amida Buddha’s  48 Vows Primal Vows, the 18th vow was the fundamental vow: “If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings in the lands of the ten quarters who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and call my Name, even ten times, should not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”

This Vow is called “The Absolute Other Power”  and tells how eons and eons ago, Dharmakara Bodhisattva established and achieved 48 vows and became Amida Buddha of the Pure Land where he began preaching the Dharma.





In addition to this sutra, there are two other Pure Land sutras: “The Sutra of Contemplation of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life (Contemplation Sutra)” and “The Sutra on Amida Buddha (Smaller Sutra)”.These three sutras comprise the three major sutras of Pure Land Buddhism.

“The Contemplation Sutra” tells of how Queen Vaidehi was guided and saved by Shakyamuni Buddha. “The Smaller Sutra” describes how the “Western Pure Land” is decorated with various beautiful adornments, such as flowers, birds, lakes, and rivers. The Buddhas of the six quarters praised it and advocated for people to be born there.


浄土真宗の本尊   Object of Reverence
  The primary object of reverence in the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist tradition is Amida Buddha, revered as the foundation of the faith.  Amida Buddha possesses dynamic working form and is generally depicted as a statue, portrait, or six characters of  南無阿弥陀仏 “Na-mo-a-mi-da-butsu".




Amida Buddha is referred to as the Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Infinite Light and signifies immeasurable compassion and infinite wisdom.

In the main hall of the temple you see a statue of Amida Buddha is standing not sitting because he cannot forsake us and his standing posture signifies his untiring salvation for all sentient beings.