

The Teachings of Jodoshinshu




Salvation of the Jodoshinshu




Emancipation and salvation

浄土真宗において、救いとはすべて阿弥陀如来のご本願によるものです。これを「他力回向の本願」とか「絶対他力の本願」といいます。この如来の本願は、「南無阿弥陀仏」という名号として、わたしたちの心にとどき、救いの働きをします。そして、「摂取不捨(せっしゅふしゃ)」の光明として、わたしたちを包みこみながらで見護っています。内に働く名号としての働きと、智慧の光明とによって、わたしたちはすくわれてゆくのです。   In Jodoshinshu, our salvation is assured through the Primal Vow of Amida Tathagata. This is also referred to as "The Transfer of Merit of Amida’s Vow" or "Absolute Vow Power." Tathagata's Primal Vow saves us and is reaching us through recitation of His name, "Namo-Amida-Butsu" and through the promise of "Grasped, Never to Be Abandoned." We will be saved and emancipated by Amida’s working through us and instilling in us the light of Wisdom.



Tathagata is calling for our salvation


"Namo-amida-butsu" as translated from Sanskrit means "I take refuge in Amida Buddha. “Taking refuge” means completely entrusting and relying upon Amida Buddha with our whole heart and mind and not from a foolish being's heart and mind of delusion. An entrusting mind is given to us by Amida Buddha, already perfected by Tathagata. This powerful salvation is what Shinran Shonin said is “a calling voice from the Tathagata."




Characteristics of the Jodoshinshu Teachings



“Absolute Other Power” of the Jodoshinshu




  We are saved by realizing and admitting that we are self-centered and foolish beings (Bombu), by abandoning all self-governing attachments (self-power) and believing in Amida Tathagata’s Vow Power given to us by Amida Buddha.

Buddhism is a path to becoming a Buddha, requiring strong effort and strict practices. Shinran Shonin, however, realized through his own limitations over his 20 years of strict practices, that he had no possibility of achieving salvation through his own efforts. After he met his master, Honen, he realized, with great joy, the potential for salvation by Amida Buddha. He said “As for me, I simply accept and entrust myself to what my teacher told me: Just say the nembutsu and be saved by Amida. Nothing else is involved.”

Within Amida Buddha's name (Namo-Amida-Butsu), there resides the “Great Vow (Namo)” and the “Great Practice (Amida Buddha).” Within the “Great Vow (Namo) and Great Practice (Amida Buddha),” we realize that this power is continuously working for us. This Vow of the Tathagata is referred to as "Absolute Vow Power.” This gift, given to us by Amida’s Vow, is known as “the Transferring Merit of the Other Power.”



What does “The evil person is the right object of Amida's salvation” mean?




  It was previously mentioned that we are Bombu, foolish, self-centered, sinful and unaware of our own foolishness, which causes us to suffer. Being unaware, however, is not to say that we are allowed to violate the law and practice unethical behaviors.
Shinran Shonin said “if even good people can be born in the Pure Land, how much more so evil people?” This does not simply mean that. when we are reborn in the Pure Land and pardoned, we can continue to do evil deeds.
Compared to The Buddha, we are all "deeply sinful, foolish beings”. Amida has been lamenting this, but at the same time has never abandoned us and has been extending his hands to “scoop us up” and save us. That is Amida Tathagata’s Primal Vow.
That “the evil person is the right object of Amida's salvation” means that those who become aware of the uselessness of their own power and realize their own true nature, are the right persons to be saved. Shinran Shonin realized that Amida’s teaching was only way, and essential and crucial to his salvation.




Nembutsu is an expression of our gratitude


親鸞聖人の作られた有名なご和讃に、『恩徳讃』があります。「如来大悲の恩徳は 身を粉にしても報ずべし 師主知識の恩徳も 骨をくだきても謝すべし」

Earnestly reciting the Nembutsu is called “Senjyu Nembutsu - The Exclusive Reciting of the Nembutsu.” This is the teaching of Shinran Shonin’s teacher, Master Honen.
Shinran Shonin said that this “Exclusive Reciting of the Nembutsu” was from “Absolute Other Power.” Therefore, reciting Nembutsu is not a requirement to be saved, but rather an expression of gratitude to the Tathagata. Recitation of the Nembutsu is to praise the virtue of Tathagata Amida.
There is a famous Hymn, “Ondokusan”: “Such is the benevolence of Tathagata’s great compassion that we must strive to return it, even to the breaking of our bodies. Such is the benevolence of the masters and true teachers that we must endeavor to repay it, even to our bones becoming dust.”


在家の仏教 浄土真宗


Jodoshinshu is essentially the Buddhism for laypeople

親鸞聖人は、自らを「愚禿」といわれました。還俗させられて越後にご流罪されてからのことです。愚禿というのは、禿頭で出家のようでも、愚かな俗人だということです。その愚かな俗人という自覚から、「絶対他力の教え」を確立されたのです。ですから、浄土真宗はもともと在家仏教だったのです。阿弥陀如来を信じ、念仏する者にとって、仕事も、日常生活も、それがそのままが如来さまへの報恩として光り輝くのです。   Shinran Shonin called himself “Gutoku” (foolish, stubble-haired being) after being defrocked and exiled to Echigo province for his Nembutsu beliefs. For him, Gutoku meant baldheaded like a monk and at the same time like a foolish ordinary person. He established the teaching of “the salvation by Absolute Other Power” according to his lifetime experience and awareness of his being a foolish, ordinary lay person. Therefore, Jodoshinshu has been a form of Buddhism for the lay person since the beginning. When a person entrusts himself to the Other-Power of Amida Tathagata, recites Nembutsu and lives a life of gratitude to the Tathagata, both his work and everyday life are made happier.
