Amida-sama's working towards all sentient beings as a voice of the Nembutsu







 専如上人さまが、平成26年6月6日本願寺第25世御門主になられました。前お裏方さまの大谷範子さまは、専如上人の御母堂様になられます。        Sennyo Shonin succeeded 25th Monshu (the chief abbot) of the Hongwanji on June 6, 2014. His mother is Lady Noriko Ohtani, the former Ourakata.
 以下のメッセージは、浄土真宗本願寺派世界仏教婦人会前名誉総裁さまが、第26回米国仏教団仏教婦人会連盟大会に宛てられたものです。その時期開教使在任中でそのお言葉に非常に感銘を受け、この機会に皆様方にもご紹介いたしたいと思います。        Following is a message to the 26th Buddhist Churches America Federation of Buddhist Women's Associations Conference by Lady Noriko Ohtani, former president World Federation of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist Women’s Association. I was touched and encouraged by her heartwarming message during my tenure of office of the BCA Ministerial Association. I'd like to share this memorable passage of the Lady Noriko Ohtani at this time.
 わたくしが、全米仏教婦人会大会のテーマを拝見しました時、故大江淳誠勧学の『教行信証講話』行文類の意義についてお話をされている部分を思いおこしました。        When I read the theme of the National Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations’ conference, I was reminded of the book, Kyo-Gyo-Shin-Sho Kowa (Lectures of the True Teaching, Practice, Shinjin and Realization) written by the Venerable Junjo Ohye, Hongwanji Academician. In explaining GYO(practice), of Kyogyoshinsho(the True Teaching, Practice, Shinjin and Realization) written by Shinran Shonin,


       He says “ Even though it is impossible for us to see the Buddha and the Pure Land, we can see the work of salvation by the Tathagata in this world of sentient beings, for this is manifested in the warm and loving saying of the Nembutsu by the devotee.


       We can not see the breeze but by seeing the gentle sway of the grasses we know that the breeze is here, just as we can hear its voice in thee tinkle of the wind-bell hanging from the eaves. Just as the breeze can be known by the tinkle of the wind-bell and the sway of the grasses we can know the presence of Amida by the devotee.


  Wherever the Nembutsu devotee may be, whether s/he lives in the home in the hills or at seaside, or whether s/he lives frugally in a simple hut, when the Nembutsu said in gratitude and joy is heard, though the one saying it may be just a simpleton and the voice is that is that of a simpleton, yet is this the manifestation of the great compassion of Tathagata and the working of the noble name.”


       I have quoted at length from the book. But because Amida Buddha’s warm and compassionate encouragement is given to us by our saying Namo Amida Butsu this life is made livable for us.


       Even though we are so down-hearted that the sun filtering through the branches of the trees may seem to burn into us, if we should place our hands in Gassho and say, “Namo Amida Butsu,” we can hear Amida Buddha softly calling to us, “Do not be despaired.” Although we become so querulous that we would want to complain to a porcelain cat on the mantelpiece in our loneliness, yet by saying Namo Amida Butsu we will find consolation; when such anger assails us that we would smash the nearest dishes around us, the saying of Namo Amida Butsu will bring us down to earth again; such is the path that we will be able to live.
 この私の人生のために、阿弥陀如来さまは、働き続けて下さるのです。        Oh, how grateful I am that it is for me, for my life’s sake, that Amida Tathagata ever constantly keeps on working.
以下は米国仏教団のホームページからの転載 と日本語私訳です。        Following  historical information is quoted from the BCA homepage and my Japanese translation.
全米仏教婦人会は、浄土真宗本願寺派の世界仏教婦人会に所属する団体です。   The Buddhist Women’s Association (BWA) or Fujinkai is the women’s organization of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha temples all over the world.
日本に於ける仏教婦人会の歴史        History in Japan
       The Buddhist Women’s Association was founded in Japan in the early 20th century by Takeko Kujō  (1887–1928), a daughter of Koson Ohtani, the 21st Monshu (head abbot) of the Nishi Hongwanji-ha. Takeko Kujo was in her early twenties at the time she founded the Fujinkai. She also founded Asoka Hospital, one of Japan’s first modern medical centers.

       She died in Tokyo, Japan, after contracting an illness during her charitable work in the city’s slums following the Great Kanto Earthquake.
 多くの日本人が19世紀後半から20世紀前半に移住し始めたので、仏教婦人会組織は、日本・アメリカ合衆国および他の海外地域にあ る浄土真宗寺院につくられていきました。
       BWA chapters began to be established in every Jodo Shinshu temple in Japan, and later in the United States and other overseas areas as many Japanese began emigrating in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The BWA in the United States is an auxiliary organization of the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA), the mainland United States branch of the Nishi Hongwanji-ha.
アメリカにおける歴史        History in the United States
 アメリカ合衆国の最初の仏教婦人会は、仏教伝道に来られた園田宗恵師と西島覚了師到着の数ヶ月後、1900年サンフランシスコに誕生しました。        The first BWA in the United States was established in San Francisco in 1900, just months after the arrival of Rev. Shuye Sonoda and Rev. Kakuryo Nishijima, who arrived in the U.S. from Japan to promote the Buddha Dharma.
 第二次大戦後第23世御門主大谷光照猊下の奥様大谷嬉子さま(お裏方または総裁)(1918–2000)は、多くの日本や世界中の寺院を訪問して、婦人会組織を活性化させるために御巡教されました。多くの婦人会では、九条武子さま追慕の 念から年に一度の如月忌法要を執り行っています。        After World War II, Lady Yoshiko Ohtani (Ourakata or Sosai) (1918–2000), the spouse of the 23rd Monshu, Kosho Ohtani, visited many temples in Japan and around the world and worked to revive the association.  Many BWA chapters observe an annual service in her memory to commemorate her dedication to Buddhism.
       The Monshu and Ourakata made their first observation tour of the BCA at the end of November 1951. On the occasion of the visit and with Lady Ohtani in attendance, the organizational meeting of all of the BCA Buddhist Women’s Associations (later to be called the National Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations) was held in San Francisco on February 16, 1952.  More than 500 delegates from Buddhist Women’s Associations throughout California and out-of-state representatives from Denver and Seattle convened for this auspicious convention.
 会議の期間中、同連盟憲章と条例の最終的な草案が採択され、連盟決議は以下の通りに発布されました:        During the conference, the final drafts of the Federation constitution and bylaws were adopted, and an organizational resolution was issued as follows:
米国仏教団婦人会連盟綱領   The BCA National Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations creed:
私たちは常に仏法に耳をかたむけ、正しい人生の道をあゆみます。   "We shall constantly pursue the Buddha Dharma in order to follow a righteous way of life."
私たちはお念仏の日暮しの中に、明るい家庭と環境を築くことを共に精進いたします。   "We shall mutually endeavor to establish a bright family and social atmosphere by living a life of Nembutsu."
私たちはアメリカに仏教が弘ろまるよう、心をひとつにして努力します。   "We shall unite our efforts in order to promote Buddhism in America."