『拝読 浄土真宗のみ教え』


"Readings in the Jodoshinshu teachings"


This is not an official translation by the Hongwanji but my personal project intended for both my personal use and to enable me to share the joy of the Nembutsu with others. I am so grateful to Ms. Joan King Hatfield, her precious time and perseverance, to correct my original translation.

Translated by Michihiro Tanaka and edited by Ms. Joan King Hatfield

拝読 浄土真宗のみ教え   Readings in Jodoshinshu Teachings
『拝読 浄土真宗のみ教え』には、親鸞聖人750回大遠忌を記念して制作されました。   Readings in Jodoshinshu Teachings is compiled in honor of the 750th Shinran Shonin Commemoration and Memorial Service held in 2013.
この中には「浄土真宗の救いのよろこび」、「親鸞聖人のことば」、「折々のことば」が収載されています。   This volume contains "Joy of the Salvation of Jodoshinshu," "Words of Shinran Shonin," and "Occasional Other Words.”
これらは、「親鸞聖人が明らかにされた浄土真宗のみ教えを、現代の人々に親しみやすい表現によって示され、正しく理解されて、味わいを深めることのできる文章」となるよう、制作されたものです。   The purpose of these readings is to illuminate Jodoshinshu teachings and make them more easily understood and accessible to present-day readers.  It is our hope that, through reading these passages, readers are guided toward a better understanding of Jodoshinshu and the teachings of our founder, Shinran Shonin.
そこには『御文章』、『領解文』等のよき伝統と精神が受け継がれています。私たちが、この文章を声に出して読むことによって、理解と味わいを深めていくことが出来ます。私たちが、文章を声に出してみると、目で追って黙読していたのとはまったく違う味わいがあります。   The tradition and spirit of Jodoshinshu is contained in sections such as "The Letters of Rennyo" and "Ryogemon” (Comprehension of the Shinjin, gratitude for the Amida Buddha, gratitude for masters and teachers, and principles of   Nembutsu followers). Hopefully, they will be easily understood for readers.  We believe readers can better deepen their understanding of these profound teachings if they read them out loud, as the words take on a deeper meaning when heard rather than just seen.
『拝読 浄土真宗のみ教え』にはこのように、声に出して拝読することによってみ教えの味わいが深められる文章がおさめられています。   To deepen your understanding and better facilitate an oral reading of this text, it is organized it into short, easy-to-read passages.
浄土真宗の救いのよろこび   Thankfulness for the Salvation of Jodoshinshu
阿弥陀如来の本願は かならず救うまかせよと南無阿弥陀仏のみ名となり たえず私によびかけます   The Primal Vow of Amida Tathagata, also known as “Namo-amida-butsu,” absolutely saves me and continuously beckons me.
このよび声を聞きひらき 如来の救いにまかすとき 永遠に消えない灯火が 私の心にともります   When I listen to this calling and entrust myself to the salvation of The Tathagata, this lamplight, which glows eternally, will be lit forever in my heart.
如来の大悲に生かされて 御恩報謝のよろこびに南無阿弥陀仏を称えつつ 真実の道を歩みます   I shall walk a true way while I am being kept alive by the great compassion of The Tathagata, and recite “Namo-amida-butsu” in the joy of repaying a kindness and with thankfulness for a virtue.
この世の縁の尽きるとき 如来の浄土に生まれてはさとりの智慧をいただいて あらゆるいのちを救います   When my life in this world ends, I will be reborn in the Pure Land of The Tathagata and will have the wisdom of my enlightenment to return and save all lives.
宗祖親鸞聖人が如来の真実を示された浄土真宗のみ教えを共によろこび広めます   With joy I shall spread the true teachings of Jodo Shinshu, which our founder, Shinran Shonin, taught to others.
親鸞聖人のことば   Words of Shinran Shonin
人生そのものの問い   The Question of Life Itself
日々の暮らしのなかで、人間関係に疲れた時、自分や家族が大きな病気になった時、身近な方が亡くなった時、「人生そのものの問い」が起こる。「いったい何のために生きているのか」「死んだらどうなるのか」この問いには、人間の知識は答えを示せず、積み上げてきた経験も役には立たない。目の前に人生の深い闇が口を開け、不安のなかでたじろぐ時、阿弥陀如来の願いが聞こえてくる。   When I get tired of human relations in daily life, when my family or I become sick, or when loved ones pass away, questions of life itself arise: "What is my purpose in this life?” or, "What happens after life?" Human knowledge and experience are not capable of answering these questions. When the deep darkness of life opens its mouth in front of me, causing me to shrink back in uneasiness, the vows of Amida Tathagata become a symbol of unconditional salvation, assuring my rebirth in the Pure Land.
親鸞聖人は仰せになる   Shinran Shonin said,
弥陀の誓願は無明長夜(むみょうじょうや)のおほきなるともしびなり @   "The Tathagata's Vow is a great torch in the long night of ignorance." @
  The 48th vow of The Tathagata to “save all sentient beings” by any means, is the great torch of life for those lost in the darkness of worldly desires. When we call upon this lamplight for guidance, questions about “our purpose in life” and “what happens after life” will be answered and made clear.
凡夫    Foolish Beings
親鸞聖人は仰せになる。   Shinran Shonin said,
凡夫といふは 無明煩悩われらが身にみちみちて 欲もおほく いかり はらだち そねみ ねたむこころ おほくひまなくして臨終の一念にいたるまでとどまらず きえず たえず A   Foolish Beings: “We are full of ignorance and blind passion. Our desires are countless, and anger, wrath, jealousy, and envy are overwhelming, arising without pause. To the very last moment of life, they do not cease or disappear, or exhaust themselves.” A
凡夫は、命終わるその瞬間まで、煩悩から離れられないものを言う。すべてのことを私中心にみて争いをおこし、欲望・怒り・妬(ねた)みに、心と身体を悩ませ苦しみ続ける。仏法に出あうとき、煩悩に満ちみちている凡夫は、他の誰のことでもなく、この私のことと気づかされる。念仏申すひぐらしの中に、ありのままの私の姿を見せていただく。   Foolish beings are those who cannot separate themselves from worldly desires until the last moment of life. They cause conflicts in their hearts, thus they continue to suffer and be bothered by desire, anger, and jealousy in body and mind. When we encounter the Buddha Dharma, nothing else matters and we are aware that foolish beings, living in worldly desires, remind us of ourselves, but we see our real, daily selves in the words of the Nembutsu.
真実の教え   True Teachings
あらゆる者を救いとる教えこそ真実の教え、究極の教えである。親鸞聖人は仰せになる。   The teachings that save all sentient beings are true and just, serving as our ultimate instructions. Shinran Shonin said,
それ真実の教(きょう)を顕(あらわさ)さば すなわち「大無量寿経」これなり B   The True Teaching: The Larger Sutra of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life.B
「大無量寿経」には、あらゆる人を念仏一つで救おうと誓われた、阿弥陀如来の本願が説かれている。釈尊は その生涯をとおしてさまざまな教えを説き広められた。この経が説かれるとき、釈尊のお顔は、いまだかつてないほどに悦(よろこ)びにあふれ、気高く光り輝いておられた。あらゆるものを救いとる阿弥陀如来の本願を説くことこそ、釈尊がこの世に出られた目的だったからである。   The Primal Vow of Amida Tathagata from "The Larger Sutra of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life," says that all sentient beings will be saved with their utterance of even one single Nembutsu. Shakyamuni Buddha preached various teachings throughout his whole life, but when he taught this sutra, it is said that His face was nobly shining and full of unprecedented delight. It is because just explaining the Primal Vow of Amida Tathagata, which saves all beings, was the reason Shakyamuni Buddha came into this world.
限りなき光と寿(いのち)の仏   The Buddha of an Infinite Light and an Immeasurable Life
阿弥陀如来がさとりを開く前、法蔵菩薩であったとき、すべてのものを救うため、限りない光と寿をそなえた仏になろうと誓われた。そして果てしない修行の末に、その願いを成就して、如来となられた。阿弥陀とは無量をあらわす。阿弥陀如来は、その限りない光をもって、あらゆる世界を照らし、私たちを摂(おさ)め取ってくださる。その限りない寿をもって、あらゆる時代を貫き、私たちを救いとってくださる。   Before his enlightenment, when He was the Dharmakara Bodhisattva, Amida Tathagata vowed to become a Buddha possessing infinite light and immeasurable life in order to save all sentient beings. After endless practice, He accomplished the Vows and became the Tathagata. Amida means infinity, or expressing endlessness and equanimity. Amida Tathagata possesses infinite light, illuminates all the worlds, and grasps us, never to abandon us. By His immeasurable life, He saves us throughout all ages.
親鸞聖人は仰せになる。   Shinran Shonin said,
十方微塵世界(じっぽうみじんせかい)の 念仏の衆生(しゅじょう)をみそなわし 摂取してすてざれば 阿弥陀となづけたてまつる C   Seeing the sentient beings of the Nembutsu
Throughout all the worlds in the ten quarters, beings as countless as vast particles are grasped by The Buddha, never to be abandoned. Therefore He is named "Amida."
たとえ私たちがその救いに背を向けようとも、摂め取って捨てないと、どこまでも はたらき続ける仏がおられる。その仏を、阿弥陀如来と申し上げるのである。   He has continued working to save and never abandon us, even if we turn our back on His salvation. Therefore, we call Him the Amida Tathagata.
他力本願 Other Power
親鸞聖人は仰せになる。 Shinran Shonin said,
他力といふは如来の本願力(ほんがんりき)なり D “Other Power is none other than the power of the Tathagata's Primal Vow.”  D
他力とは、阿弥陀如来の本願のはたらきであり、これを他力本願という。他力本願は、如来から私に向けられたはたらきであって、自分の望みを他人まかせにすることではない。 Other Power, or “tariki,” is the gift given to us by The Tathagata. It is the already-accomplished divine plan to expand the circle of love and salvation for all without exception. It never means that I depend on power of another person for my own selfish thoughts.
阿弥陀如来は48の願いを発(おこ)して仏となられた。その願いの根本である第18の願は「われにまかせよ、わが名を称えよ、浄土に生まれさせて仏にならしめん」という願いである。如来は、私たちを救わんとしてつねに寄り添い、南無阿弥陀仏のよび声となって、われにまかせよとはたらき続けておられる After timeless kalpas of meditation and practices, Dharmakara Bodhisattva made 48 vows, and became Amida Buddha. The essential 18th vow, known as the Primal Vow, promises, “If you entrust yourself to me and recite my name, you will be born into the Pure Land and become a Buddha." Tathagata is always within our hearts. He is the calling of “Namo-amida-butsu” and is untiringly working to save us.
このはたらきを他力といい、本願力というのである。阿弥陀如来のはたらきにおまかせして、念仏を申しつつ、如来の慈悲につつまれて、浄土への道を歩ませていただくのである。 “Other Power” is also known as "the Power of the Primal Vow." By entrusting ourselves to Amida Tathagata's untiring work and reciting the Nembutsu, we follow the path to the Pure Land by embracing the Tathagata's compassion.
如来のよび声 Tathagata's Calling Voice
阿弥陀如来は、すべての者を救いたいと願われ、南無阿弥陀仏の名号を完成された。名号は、如来の智慧と慈悲を円(まど)かに具(そな)えた、救いのはたらきそのものである。 Amida Tathagata wished to save all sentient beings, took the Myogo (name) of “Namo-amida-butsu” and became Amida Buddha. Myogo perfectly possesses all the wisdom and compassion of The Tathagata, and is salvation itself.
本願招喚(ほんがんしょうかん)の勅命(ちょくめい)なり E と仰せになる。
Shinran Shonin said the Myogo, or calling the name of Amida Buddha, “Namo-amida-butsu,” is "the command of the Primal Vow calling and summoning us." E
南無阿弥陀仏は、「必ず救う、われにまかせよ」との阿弥陀如来のよび声である。如来は、偽りと真実の見分けもつかない凡夫を哀れみ、名号による救いを選び取られた。 “Namo-amida-butsu” is the calling voice of Amida Tathagata instructing us to put our trust in Him to save us. The Tathagata sympathized with foolish beings who could not distinguish the difference between a falsehood and a truth, and gave us the means of our salvation by way of the Myogo.
如来のみ名は、遍(あまね)く世界に響きわたり、この真実の救いにまかせよと、よび続けておられる。そのよび声は、私の称える南無阿弥陀仏の念仏となって、今ここに至りとどいている。念仏の声を通して、如来の大悲のよび声を聞かせていただく。 The name of The Tathagata echoes widely in the world, and constantly calls us to recite the Nembutsu and entrust ourselves to the true salvation it brings us. Amida’s calling voice becomes one with ours and reaches us here and now. Through the reciting of the Nembutsu, we reverently hear the call of the great compassion of The Tathagata.
聞くことは信心なり Hearing is Shinjin
母に抱かれて笑う幼子(おさなご)は、母の慈しみを信じて疑うことがない。慈愛に満ちた声を聞き、ただその胸に身をまかせ、大いなる安心のなかにある。 The baby who is embraced by its mother and sees her smiling face does not doubt her love. The baby hears her voice and is filled with affection, and clings to her breasts with the great security.
親鸞聖人は、仰せになる。 Shinran Shonin said,
聞其名号というは本願の名号をきくとのたまえるなり きくというは本願をききて疑うこころなきを聞というなり またきくというは信心をあらわす御(み)のりなり F "To hear the Name is to understand the Name that embodies the Primal Vow.” “Hear,” in this case, means to hear the Primal Vow and be free of doubt. Further, it indicates shinjin, which is the mind of Amida Buddha given and realized in a person. F
南無阿弥陀仏は、「必ず救う、われにまかせよ」との慈愛に満ちた如来のよび声。このよび声をそのまま聞いて疑うことがない、それを信心という。 Our saying “Namo-amida-butsu” is also The Tathagata’s calling voice telling us “I will save you by any means if you entrust yourself to me.” It is the call of Tathagata's affection for all sentient beings. Just hearing this call as it is, we have no doubt. This is called shinjin.
If we hear this call through the filter of our own views and self-centered thoughts, we are not truthfully hearing the Tathagata's affectionate calling. As a mother's affection comforts a child, so Tathagata's calling comforts us and becomes our Shinjin.
今ここでの救い Salvation Here and Now
念仏の教えにあうものは、いのちを終えてはじめて救いにあずかるのではない。いま苦しんでいるこの私に、阿弥陀如来の願いは、はたらきかけられている。 Those who encounter the teachings of the Nembutsu do not receive salvation only after this life; the vow of Amida is working for us here and now.
親鸞聖人は仰せになる。 Shinran Shonin said,
信心の定まるとき往生また定まるなり G “At the time Shinjin becomes truly understood, birth, too, becomes truly understood.” G
信心いただくそのときに、たしかな救いにあずかる。如来は悩み苦しんでいる私を、そのまま抱きとめて、決して捨てることがない。本願のはたらきに出あうそのときに 煩悩をかかえた私が、必ず仏になる身に定まる。苦しみ悩む人生も、如来の慈悲に出あうとき、もはや苦悩のままではない。阿弥陀如来に抱かれて人生を歩み、さとりの世界に導かれていくこととなる。まさに今、ここに至りとどいている救い、これが浄土真宗の救いである。 When I receive Shinjin, I receive true salvation. When I am troubled and suffering, The Tathagata embraces me in His arms and never abandons me. When I meet with the truth of the Primal Vow, I am truly settled to become a Buddha though I still possess earthly desires. When I encounter the compassion of The Tathagata, a life of suffering is gone because I am embraced by the Amida Tathagata and I know I will follow this life to a world of enlightenment. The resulting salvation that is available to me right here and now is the essence of Jodo Shinshu.
愚者のよろこび The Delight of the Foolish Being
阿弥陀如来は「必ず救う、われにまかせよ」とよびかけておられる。そのよび声を通して、確かな救いのなかにあることをよろこぶとともに、ありのままの私の姿を知らせていただく。如来の光に照らされて見えてきた私の姿は、煩悩に満ちみちた迷いの凡夫であった。確かなものなど何一つ持ち得ない愚かな私であったと気づかされる。 The Amida Tathagata is calling to us saying “Rely upon me and I will save you by any means.” As a result, we are assured of salvation and see our real selves as we are rather than as others see us. By the shining light of the Tathagata, however, we come to know that we still remain ordinary and full of worldly desires.
親鸞聖人は、法然上人より 愚者になりて往生す H  との言葉をうけたまわり、感慨をもってお手紙の中に記(しる)された。 Shinran Shonin was greatly moved by his master Honen’s words and wrote the following passage in a letter: "In the path of the Pure Land, one attains birth by returning to a mind of an ignorant fool."H
このような私だからこそ、救わずにはおれないと、如来は限りない大悲を注いでおられる。この深き恵みをよろこばせていただくより他はない。 “The Tathagata possesses limitless, great compassion and can not do other than save all foolish beings such as I. There is no other way but to receive this deep blessing.”
報恩の念仏 The Nembutsu of Gratitude
阿弥陀如来は、迷いのなかにある私たちを哀れみ悲しまれ、そのままに救いとるとはたらかれている。浄土真宗の救いは、この如来のはたらきを信じる心一つで定まり、念仏は救われたよろこびが声となってあらわれ出たものである。 The Amida Tathagata sympathizes, laments, and works to save us as we are. Salvation, according to Jodoshinshu, is determined by a single heart believing the work of The Tathagata. Nembutsu is the rejoicing voice that comes from the joy of being saved.
親鸞聖人は仰せになる。 Shinran Shonin said,
ただよくつねに如来の号(みな)を称して 大悲弘誓の恩を報ずべしといへりI Saying the Tathagata’s Name constantly, one should respond with gratitude to the universal vow of the great compassion. I
如来は私たちを救いとって見返りを求めることがない。はかりしれない如来のご恩は、決して返すことのできない大いなる恵みである。私たちは、ただそのご恩をよろこび、感謝の思いを念仏の声にあらわすばかりである。これを報恩の念仏という。救いのよろこびを恵まれた者は、報恩の思いから、つねに南無阿弥陀仏と念仏申すべきである。 The Tathagata saves us and does not ask for anything in return. This immeasurable gift is the great blessing that we can never repay. We are grateful for this gift and express our thankfulness by simply reciting the Nembutsu. This is called the Nembutsu of gratitude. A person given the joy of this salvation should always recite “Namo-amida-butsu” as a form of repayment for this kindness.
浄土への人生 Life toward the Pure Land
阿弥陀如来は、煩悩によってさとりに至ることのできない凡夫を哀れみ、あらゆる功徳を南無阿弥陀仏に込めて私たちにふり向けておられる。 The Amida Tathagata feels pity for foolish beings who cannot attain enlightenment because of worldly desires, so transfers merits to us in the form of our recitation of “Namo-amida-butsu.”
親鸞聖人は仰せになる。 Shinran Shonin said,
臨終一念の夕(ゆうべ) 大般涅槃を超証す J “They transcend and realize great, complete nirvana on the eve of the moment of death.” J
いのち終えるとき、すみやかに浄土に生まれ、この上ないさとりを開かせていただく。南無阿弥陀仏のはたらきに出あうものは、むなしい迷いの生を二度とくり返すことはない。如来のはたらきに出あう人生は、無常のいのちを生きながら、かならず さとりの浄土に生まれゆく、むなしく終わらぬ人生である。 When we draw our last breath, we are born in the Pure Land immediately and attain supreme enlightenment. Those who experience the power of Namo-amida-butsu never repeat an empty life of impermanence and delusion. The life that encounters The Tathagata is never empty or impermanent. Though we live in a transitory world, we will be certain to be born in the Pure Land.
自在の救い Salvation Without Hindrance
念仏申し浄土へと先だっていかれた方々は、この世界にかえり来て、私たちを念仏の教えに導いてくださっている。 Those who recite the Nembutsu, are reborn in the Pure land, and return to this world to lead us to the teaching of the Nembutsu.
親鸞聖人は仰せになる。 Shinran Shonin said,
釈迦牟尼仏(しゃかむにぶつ)のごとくにて 利益衆生はきはもなし
Those who reach the Pure Land of happiness return to this evil world of the five defilements, where, like the Buddha Shakyamuni, they benefit sentient beings without limit. K
浄土で仏となった方は、大いなる慈悲の心をおこして、迷いのなかで苦しむすべてのものを救いたいとはたらき続ける。さまざまな縁を通して私たちを仏前に誘(いざな)い、仏法聴聞を勧めてくださっている。そのはたらきは、釈尊が巧みに人々を教化されたように、自在であり限りがない。私たちは、多くの先人たちの導きによって、同じように浄土への道を歩ませていただく。この道は、凡夫が浄土で仏となり、自在の救いを行うことができる尊い道である。 The person who becomes a buddha in the Pure Land has a heart of great compassion and continues working to save all people who continue to suffer in a bewildered realm. Also, the one who becomes a buddha guides us to Amida Buddha through various conditions, and advocates for us to hear the Buddha Dharma. Likewise, Shakyamuni Buddha taught and guided people skillfully in this manner, so we are obliged to follow the same way to the Pure Land by those who have gone before us. This path is a venerable way which helps foolish beings to be reborn in the Pure Land.
光の浄土 The Pure Land of the Light
浄土は、無量の光に満ちあふれた世界。如来の智慧が光となって輝き、限りなくはたらき続けるさとりの世界である。親鸞聖人は、阿弥陀如来の浄土をお示しになり The Pure Land is a world filled with immeasurable light. The Tathagata's wisdom is the world of a shining light that keeps on working infinitely. Shinran Shonin revealed the Pure Land of Amida Tathagata and said,
無量光明土なりL The Land of Immeasurable Light L
と仰せになる。如来の浄土へ生まれるならば、その光のはたらきにより、いかなる煩悩も、浄土と同じさとりの功徳へと変えられる。それはあたかも、海へと流れ込む川の水が、すべて一味の海潮(うしお)となるような、広大なるはたらきである。念仏の教えをいただく者は、限りない光の浄土へ生まれ、この上ないさとりの利益を恵まれるのである。 As for the person born into the Pure Land of The Tathagata, any worldly desires the person possessed are changed into virtue and enlightenment by the virtue of the immeasurable light. The land of immeasurable light is like a vast river that, upon entering the ocean, becomes completely one with it. Those who receive the teachings of the Nembutsu will be born to the Pure Land of infinite light and will be blessed with supreme enlightenment.
美しき西方浄土 The Beautiful Western Pure Land
In the sutra, the Western Pure Land of Amida Tathagata is described as being beautifully decorated with lotus flowers gracefully blooming.
Shinran Shonin described various states of pleasure in the Pure Land when he said,
法蔵願力のなせるなり Mと仰せになる。 The Pure Land is created through the power of Dharmakara's vow. M
美しい浄土のありさまは、「迷いの凡夫を我が国に生まれさせ、必ずさとりに導きたい」という阿弥陀如来の願いの力によってできあがっている。 The state of being in the beautiful Pure Land is accomplished according to the power of the Amida Tathagata’s vow of “wishing to make foolish beings of illusion achieve enlightenment."
凡夫は、さとりの世界に背を向け、迷いの世界にあり続けている。阿弥陀如来はそれを哀れみ、さとりの内容を凡夫に応じて示される。 Foolish beings have been turning their back on the world of enlightenment and existing in the world of illusion. Amida Tathagata is saddened by this and reveals the paths of enlightenment according to the abilities of the foolish beings.
美しくかざられた安楽の世界を、夕陽の沈む西方に建立して凡夫の到るべき世界を指し示し、浄土に生まれさせてさとりに導かんと願われるのである。 Amida created the blessed world of the beautifully decorated Pure Land facing the sun setting in the west to show the world where foolish beings should go, and instructed them to be born to the Pure Land, and vowed to lead them to enlightenment.
かならず再び会う We will certainly meet again.
先立った方々を思えば、在りし日の面影を懐かしく思うとともに、言いようのない寂しさを覚える。 While thinking of loved ones who passed away before us, we feel indescribable loneliness and nostalgia when seeing their images from the past.
親鸞聖人は、お弟子に宛(あ)てた手紙の中で仰せになる。 Shinran Shonin stated in letters to his disciples,
浄土にてかならずかならずまちまゐらせ候ふべし N “I will be reborn in the Pure Land before you, and without fail will await you there.” N
再び会うことのできる世界がそこにある。今ここで、同じ信心をいただき、ともに阿弥陀如来の救いにあずかっている。だからこそ、かならず浄土に生まれて再び会える確かさを今よろこぶことができる。 There is a world where we can meet again. Here and now, together, we can receive the same Shinjin and be granted salvation through Amida Tathagata. Therefore, we are given the assurance that we will certainly be born in the Pure Land, and joyfully meet again.
本願の教えに出あえた時、今ここで救われ、再び会うことのできる世界が恵まれる。 When we are able to hear the teaching of the Primal Vow, we are saved here and now and those who can meet again will be blessed and granted the gift of reunification.
折々のことば Occasional Words
お正月 New Year
新たな年を迎える節目にあたり、いま一度みずからを見つめなおし、確かな足どりで人生を歩みたいものである。蓮如上人は年の始めに、勧修寺村(かじゅじむら)の道徳に次のように仰せになった。 We should carefully examine our own lives and begin the new year with positive steps in a new direction. Rennyo Shonin advised Dotoku of Kajyuji village at the beginning of the new year as follows,
“How many years have you reached, Dotoku? I urge you to recite the Nembutsu.” O
一つ年を重ねるにあたり、あらためて念仏を勧められたのである。一年また一年と、年を重ねることは、決してあたり前のことではない。私自身にも、やがてこの世の縁の尽きる時が来る。 On Dotoku’s repeating his age, Rennyo Shonin directed him to recite the Nembutsu anew. It is never a matter of course to repeat or add years. The time of the extinction of my relationship with this world will come in due course.
阿弥陀如来は、はかなき私たちを哀れみ慈しんで、念仏せよとはたらきかけておられる。 Amida Tathagata sympathizes with our transitory nature and keeps reminding us to recite the Nembutsu.
Encountering (hearing) the true teaching now, we receive merit by saying the Nembutsu, and step forward into a new year with a life of great joy.
新たな年の始まりを、念仏とともに迎えることは、何よりも、大きなよろこびである。 It is our greatest joy to begin the new year with the recitation of the Nembutsu.
お彼岸 Ohigan (Pāramitā)
彼岸とは、念仏の教えをいただいたものが、いのち終えて生まれていくさとりの世界。 Higan is the other shore or the world of enlightenment. Those who receive the teaching of Nembutsu go there after their lives in this world end.
仏となった懐かしい方々がおられる、阿弥陀如来の西方浄土のことである。 It is the Western Pure Land of Amida Tathagata. Some of our loved ones who lived the Nembutsu life and have gone before us have become buddhas.
善導大師はお示しになる。 Shan-tao said,
"O traveler, with single-mindedness and right-mindedness, come at once! I will protect you well" P
阿弥陀如来は、「必ず救う、われにまかせよ」と、西の岸よりよびかけておられる。如来のよび声は、南無阿弥陀仏の名号となって、今この私に届いている。 Amida Tathagata is calling to us from the western shore saying, "entrust yourself to me and I will save you absolutely." The call of The Tathagata becomes the Myogo (name of Amida Buddha) and reaches us here and now.
如来に抱かれ、先に浄土へ生まれた方々に導かれて、彼岸へと続くただ一つの道、念仏の道を歩むのである。 We are embraced by The Tathagata. People previously born in the Pure Land are guiding us there. We follow the only sure way to the other shore and walk the way of the Nembutsu.
お盆 Obon (Ullambana)
亡くなられた先人たちのご恩に対し、あらためて思いを寄せるのがお盆である。 The purpose of Obon is to feel gratitude anew to those who have gone before us.
親鸞聖人は仰せになる。 Shinran Shonin said,
“Upon reaching the land of the Vow,
We immediately realize supreme nirvana,
And thereupon we awaken to the great compassion.
All this is called Amida's "directing of virtue."
浄土へと往生した人は、如来の願力によってすみやかにさとりをひらき、大いなる慈悲の心をおこす。迷いのこの世に還り来たり、私たちを真実の道へ導こうと常にはたらかれるのである。 Because of the power of The Tathagata’s Vow, the person who is reborn into the Pure Land receives a “heart of great compassion.” S/he then returns to this world of illusion, always working to lead us toward the way of truth.
仏の国に往き生まれていった懐かしい人たち。仏のはたらきとなって、いつも私とともにあり、私をみまもっていてくださる。 Our loved ones who have passed away and become reborn in the land of the Buddha, become Buddhas themselves and are always with us and watching over us.
このお盆を縁として、すでに仏となられた方々のご恩をよろこび念仏申すばかりである。 With the celebration of Obon, we simply recite the Nembutsu in gratitude for the kindness of loved ones and those who have already become buddhas.
報恩講 Hoonko
報恩講は、宗祖親鸞聖人の遺徳をたたえ、その恩を報ずる法要である。 Hoonko is a Buddhist service in which we praise our founder Shinran Shonin's virtue, and vow to repay his kindness.
親鸞聖人三十三回忌に際し、報恩講と名付けられて以来、毎年宗祖のご命日を縁として、脈々と営まれ続けている。 Hoonko got its name on the occasion of Shinran Shonin's 33rd memorial service, and has been continued every year since then.
親鸞聖人は、阿弥陀如来の本願の教えを明らかにされ、その九十年のご生涯を、念仏の道ひとすじに歩まれた。 Shinran Shonin taught the teaching of the Primal Vow of Amida Tathagata, and walked the path of the Nembutsu throughout his entire life of ninety years.
今、私たちが、浄土真宗の救いのよろこびにあえたことも、聖人のご苦労のたまものである。 Because of Shinran Shonin’s sacrifice and great faith, we are able to encounter the joy of salvation of Jodo Shinshu.
報恩講に際し、蓮如上人はお示しになられた。 On the occasion of Hoonko, Rennyo Shonin said,
すみやかに本願真実の他力信心をとりて わが身の今度の報土往生を決定せしめんこそ まことに聖人報恩謝徳の懇志にあひかなふべけれ R "Quickly attain shinjin of Other-Power based on the truth and reality of the Primal Vow, thereby decisively attaining birth that is to come in the Pure Land. It is this entrusting that will truly accomplish our own resolve to repay our indebtedness and express our gratitude for the Master's benevolence." R
We should repay the benevolence of Shinran Shonin by attaining the entrusting heart and being born in the Pure Land.
@ 尊号真像銘文 注釈版 p.669 The Collected Works of Shinran “Notes on the Inscriptions on Sacred Scrolls” p.516

A 一念多念文意 注釈版 p.693 The Collected Works of Shinran “Notes on Once-Calling and Many-Calling” p.488

B 教行信証 注釈版 p.135 The Collected Works of Shinran “The True Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land Way” p.7

C 浄土和讃 注釈版 p.571 The Collected Works of Shinran “Hymns of the Pure Land” p.347

D 教行信証 注釈版 p.190 The Collected Works of Shinran “The True Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land Way” p.57

E 教行信証 注釈版 p.170 The Collected Works of Shinran “The True Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land Way” p.38

F 一念多念文意 注釈版 p.678 The Collected Works of Shinran “Notes on Once-Calling and Many-Calling” p.474

G 親鸞聖人御消息 注釈版 p.735 The Collected Works of Shinran “Lamp for the Latter Ages” p.523

H 親鸞聖人御消息 注釈版 p.771 The Collected Works of Shinran “Lamp for the Latter Ages” p.531

I 教行信証 注釈版 p.205 The Collected Works of Shinran “The True Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land Way” p.71

J 教行信証 注釈版 p.264 The Collected Works of Shinran “The True Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land Way” p.123

K 浄土和讃 注釈版 p.560 The Collected Works of Shinran “Hymns of the Pure Land” p.329

L 教行信証 注釈版 p.337 The Collected Works of Shinran “The True Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land Way” p.177

M 浄土和讃 注釈版 p.561 The Collected Works of Shinran “Hymns of the Pure Land” p.331

N 親鸞聖人御消息 注釈版 p.785 The Collected Works of Shinran “Lamp for the Latter Ages” p.539

O 蓮如上人御一代記聞書 注釈版 p.1231 “The Sayings of Rennyo Shonin” translated by Elson Snow

P 観経四帖疏 散善義 七祖篇p.467 Original text is from “The Commentaries on the Contemplation Sutra” This is quoted from The Collected Works of Shinran “Gutoku’s Notes” p.616

Q 高僧和讃 注釈版 p.581 The Collected Works of Shinran “Hymns of the Pure Land Masters” p.366

R 御文章 注釈版 p.1150 “Rennyo: the second founder of Shin Buddhism with a translation of letters”  Minor L. Rogers. Ann T. Rogers. Berkeley California Asian Humanities Press. p.208

Shinran Shonin is a towering religious figure of thirteenth century Japan, who reformed the aristocratic and philosophic type of Buddhism practiced before his time into a practical Buddhism which provided spiritual comfort to men and women in all walks of life. Today, he is not only revered by the faithful as the founder of Shin Buddhism, but he is also respected by the world as one of the greatest thinkers that Japan has ever produced.